
  • Winter is ComingNovember 04, 2022

    Like it or not, colder weather is bearing down on Missouri. As we press on toward winter, make sure
    your property is prepared and your insurance policy is equipped to provide
    coverage in the event of a winter weather loss.

    · Always maintain heat during winter months, even in vacant dwellings/businesses. If you are going to be away
    from your home, you can reduce the heat so it won’t run as much, but ensure
    it’s not too low, as water lines in exterior walls could freeze in times of
    extreme wind chill or temperature drops.

    · Winterize your pipes when possible and, again, maintain heat at an appropriate level; simply leaving
    it above freezing will most likely not be sufficient. Freezing pipes and the
    resulting damage may not be a covered loss under certain types of insurance
    policies. In addition, policies that do contain coverage for the peril of
    freezing may not cover loss that results from your failure to maintain heat or
    properly winterize the structure.

    · Turn off the water and winterize the lines at your home if you’re leaving for a few days. This can
    mitigate the possibility of a water-related loss while you are away.

    Check with your insurance company or agent if you need help understanding your policy, and
    brace yourself for winter!

    This information is meant to be a broad overview and should not be the only source you consult
    for evaluating insurance coverage or purchase. The description of coverages and
    programs are purposely brief and are subject to specific policy provisions,
    limitations and exclusions that can only be expressed in the policy itself. For
    a complete explanation of coverages, please consult one of our licensed agents.

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