
  • Landlords with Multiple RentalsJuly 09, 2015

    ​Do you own several rental dwellings or an apartment building? We can accommodate up to 20 dwellings on a single commercial policy. Within that program, we have the flexibility to write dwellings of various ages for various perils and loss settlement. If you have rental dwellings you need to insure, give a local agent a call today. They can even get you a free quote to see if Barton can do better than your current provider.

    This information is meant to be a broad overview and should not be the only source you consult for evaluating insurance coverage or purchase. The description of coverages and programs are purposely brief and are subject to specific policy provisions, limitations and exclusions that can only be expressed in the policy itself. For a complete explanation of coverages, please consult one of our licensed agents.

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